Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Upgrade to 8.1

So, I may have mentioned (or you may have gathered) that I run on Windows. Windows 8, specifically, which we all know was a disaster. I've turned off automatic updates, and it turns out it was for good reason (well, you know, other than not having my computer restart randomly whenever I'm in the middle of something important. Gee, thanks for making my life "easier," M$).

Recently, I've been bothered by the prompts that ask one to upgrade to 8.1. I wasn't too bothered, since I could send them away no problem.

Even more recently, I decided it was time to update my system, since my tablet driver was freaking out. Unbeknownst to me, this downloaded two updates I would have rather not updated: KB287139 (a prerequisite for the 8.1 upgrade) and KB3008273 (which enables automatic, forced upgrade). Since then, I've been getting the prompting to download right now (or else). The first three times, it gave me the option to 'remind me later,' but not today.

In an effort to get the (stupid) update prompt to stop appearing, I edited the registry to keep it from popping up. But it didn't work.

I've decided that I really hate automatic updates.

If you uninstall the updates mentioned above (KB2871389 and KB3008273), it'll get rid of that annoying thing. Make sure to set these updates on hide after you restart, so they don't get downloaded again.

I need a new computer so I can use Linux as my primary OS *sigh* (I have photoshop on this, and my tablet works. I don't wanna lose that XD)

Anyways . . . what else was I going to say . . . ? Oh, right.

Why would I want to not upgrade to 8.1?

1. Anything that any company wants everyone to do makes me suspicious. The Skype update? What reason do they have to force us all to upgrade to the latest, "best" version? Same with this one.

2. Newer isn't always better.

3. I don't want to have to deal with the dumb store thing. I'm pretty sure I deleted everything connected to that. It irritates me enough that I can't change to a normal account (I have to look into that more. It mainly irritates me that everyone who owns a WindozeH8 computer has to sign in with a hotmail account. Again with the large companies forcing people to do things) without having to deal with that. I use desktop applications.

4. I've personalized my WindozeH8 to look like Windows 7 through certain applications that I bought. I don't want WindozeH8.1 to ruin that and waste a good ten dollars.

5. Why the heck would I want to "fix" something that's not broken? Or, well, I suppose it is broken, since it's Windows8, but how do I know that 8.1 isn't worse? Screw updates.

6. I hate M$.

7. I hate forced upgrades.

That's it for today!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Guessing Game

//So, I mentioned that I'd be in a programming class this quarter. I've written a few programs since. Here is the first one I've done on my own, without any prompting from my class! (I do hope I can use it for my next exam! XD)
//I wrote this program because I was bored.
//I use the IDE Code::Blocks to write and run these things.
//It's C++
//Here's the guessing game!
//...and yes, some of it is written in German. I wasn't planning on sharing. XD It helped me with my german homework (erste = first, zweite = second, so on and so forth).
//All the comments. You shall find none in the code itself.
//I am CERTAIN there's an easier way to choose something from a pre-created list, I just have no idea how to do it.
//This game is meant to display ten random numbers (between 1-100). The program will pick one of the numbers created. The user will try to guess which number was chosen. They will get 5 chances.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <time.h>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int erste;
    int zweite;
    int dritte;
    int vierte;
    int funfte;
    int sechste;
    int siebte;
    int achte;
    int neunte;
    int zehnte;
    int guess;
    int answer;
    char playAgain;

        erste = rand() % 100 + 1;

        zweite = rand() % 100 + 1;

        dritte = rand() % 100 + 1;

        vierte = rand() % 100 + 1;

        funfte = rand() % 100 + 1;

        sechste = rand() % 100 + 1;

        siebte = rand() % 100 + 1;

        achte = rand() % 100 + 1;

        neunte = rand() % 100 + 1;

        zehnte = rand() % 100 + 1;

        cout << "I've chosen one of the following numbers for a game we're going to play: \n";

        cout << erste << endl;
        cout << zweite << endl;
        cout << dritte << endl;
        cout << vierte << endl;
        cout << funfte << endl;
        cout << sechste << endl;
        cout << siebte << endl;
        cout << achte << endl;
        cout << neunte << endl;
        cout << zehnte << endl;

        answer = rand() % 10 + 1;

        if (answer == 1)
            answer = erste;
        else if (answer == 2)
            answer = zweite;
        else if (answer == 3)
            answer = dritte;
        else if (answer == 4)
            answer = vierte;
        else if (answer == 5)
            answer = funfte;
        else if (answer == 6)
            answer = sechste;
        else if (answer == 7)
            answer = siebte;
        else if (answer == 8)
            answer = achte;
        else if (answer == 9)
            answer = neunte;
        else if (answer == 10)
            answer = zehnte;

        cout << "\n" << "You have 5 chances to guess which number I've chosen. What do you think it is? ";
        cin >> guess;
        cin.ignore(100, '\n');

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            if (guess != erste && guess != zweite && guess != dritte && guess != vierte && guess != funfte && guess != sechste && guess != siebte && guess != achte && guess != neunte && guess != zehnte)
                    cout << "\n" << "That's not one of the answers, idiot. Try again. You have " << (4 - i) << " chance(s) left! Your guess: ";
                    cin >> guess;
                    cin.ignore(100, '\n');
            else if (guess != answer)
                    cout << "\n" << "WRONG. Try again! You have " << (4 - i) << " chance(s) left! Your guess: ";
                    cin >> guess;
                    cin.ignore(100, '\n');
            else if (guess == answer)
                cout << "\n" << "That's correct, you leg. \n";
                i = 4;

        if (guess != answer)
            cout << "\n" << "You ran out of chances. I WIN, HA-HA. \n";
            cout << "Play again? (Y/N): ";
            cin >> playAgain;
            cin.ignore(100, '\n');
        else if (guess == answer)
            cout << " Play again? (Y/N): ";
            cin >> playAgain
            cin.ignore(100, '\n');

        cout << "\n" << endl;

    } while (playAgain == 'Y' || playAgain == 'y');

        return 0;